Sub Pop is getting its very own soda pop


The fine folks at Sub Pop are celebrating their 25th anniversary with style this year. The label is hosting a free festival, a comedy showcase, a day of performances at the Space Needle and now they’re getting their own soda.

Jones Soda is creating Sub Pop root beer, cream soda and soda that will be available at Sub Pop’s Silver Jubilee.

Related: Drink Me I’m Sick: Elysian’s Sub Pop Loser Ale

Of course, this isn’t the first time the Sub Pop brass has had a special beverage created in their honor. Five years ago for Sub Pop’s 20th anniversary Elysian Brewing created Loser Pale Ale. When it was created it was only available at the SP 20 festival. Now you can find it in grocery stores. Unfortunately, you won’t find it with its original label.

About Travis Hay

Travis Hay is a music journalist who has spent the past 23 years documenting and enjoying Seattle's music scene. He's written for various outlets including MSN Music, the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, Pearl Jam's Ten Club, and others.

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