PHOTOS: The Sasquatch! 2010 main stage performers

The 2010 Sasquatch! Music Festival has come and gone and all we’re left with is ringing ears, sore feet, sunburned midriff and lots and lots of photos. The Candy dispatched ace photographer Brittney Bush Bollay to capture the action through her lenses and her pictures will be featured prominently here throughout the month. Unfortunately only the big time national media folks (Spin, Rolling Stone, Amazon, etc.) were granted photo access for the main stage acts so Brittney wasn’t able to take her camera everywhere on the festival grounds. But just because main stage access was limited doesn’t mean The Candy won’t bring you photos of the big name acts. Here’s a selection what the house photographers captured during the festival.

Pavement :: by Christopher Nelson

Massive Attack :: by Christopher Nelson

They Might Be Giants :: by Christopher Nelson

Shabazz Palaces :: by Kyle Johnson

The National :: by Christopher Nelson

About Travis Hay

Travis Hay is a music journalist who has spent the past 23 years documenting and enjoying Seattle's music scene. He's written for various outlets including MSN Music, the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, Pearl Jam's Ten Club, and others.

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