Coming to the High Dive tonight: Hob-O-Sexual action figures

Sure you know Hobosexual is a killer two-piece rock band, but did you know they are also action heroes? More specifically they are rock ‘n’ roll transients here to save the future.

That’s right, the rock warriors of Hobosexual are releasing limited-edition Hob-O-Sexual action figures each complete with accessories and hand-made clothing created by the band’s manager Amelia Gyde.  This is definitely one of the most clever ways to promote a band that I’ve seen in a long time. I especially dig that Jeff comes with a motorcycle and Ben has an eagle as an accessory.

Hobosexual singer/guitarist Ben Harwood talked a bit about the action figures in an email he sent my way yesterday:

” … Basically I designed a couple templates in photoshop, starting with a “test draft” about 2 months ago. The finished toys are the result of a few weeks of messing around in that program and coming up with some final prints I felt looked pro enough to pursue. From there, the hard part was finding figures that were remotely to Jeff or I’s likeness.

There was a TON of custom work done to each in terms of painting, the clothes Ameila sewed to them, and then the coup de gras…searching for accessories for each. The accessories are a trade secret I do not wish to disclose … it took me forever to find musical instrument accessories for cheap that fit 3 3/4 action figs. I also sourced original manufacturers bubbles (the kind Kenner used on the old Star Wars line from 1977-1986) as well as production level chip board for the backing cards. The board is thicker than retail, mainly for durability and a lasting hold.”

The Hobosexual action figures will be available for sale for the first time tonight at the High Dive during Guerrilla Candy’s Launch Party, which I am now considering renaming the Hob-O-Sexual action figure line launch party. Oh, and you better be sure to bring enough cash to buy the complete set since if you do you can send away for the limited-edition rocket-firing Matt Brown.

About Travis Hay

Travis Hay is a music journalist who has spent the past 23 years documenting and enjoying Seattle's music scene. He's written for various outlets including MSN Music, the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, Pearl Jam's Ten Club, and others.

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