Guerrilla Candy’s top 10 favorite guerrillas/gorillas

Today is a big day for Guerrilla Candy because it’s the date of the Guerrilla Candy Launch Party at the High Dive. I could go into a bit of a speech about how excited I am for tonight’s show (I’m REALLY excited) or how grateful I am that four amazing bands agreed to be a part of what is going to be an amazing night of loud and local music (thanks guys!), but I’m not going to do that. Nope. You won’t get any of that out of me.

Besides, if you’re a loyal reader you already know lots, and lots and lots about the show tonight. But since it’s pretty well known that music bloggers love to make lists and that this blog is named Geurrilla Candy, I wanted to share something different and a bit off topic. So instead of going on and on and on about how awesome tonight is going to be (seriously everybody, it’s going to be AWESOME), here is my list of favorite guerrillas and gorillas.

10. Soul Gorilla

I don’t know much about this local hip-hop lifestyle and events promotion company aside from the fact that I went to college with a few of the guys involved with SG and that they are connected to Dyme Def. Those two things make them pretty alright in my book.

9. Gorilla Tape

From Gorilla Tape’s website: “Duct tape is made for smooth, even, predictable surfaces. How many of your projects can be described that way? That’s why we invented Gorilla Tape. Made to stick to rough, uneven, unforgiving surfaces like wood, stone, stucco, plaster, brick and more.” ‘Nuff said.

8. Gorilla Manor

If I were to make a mixtape of songs from some of the most played albums in my iTunes from 2010 at least half of Local Natives’ debut longplayer would be on the tracklist. It’s a  must-own album.

7. Magilla Gorilla

Back in the day I grew up watching Hannah-Barbera cartoons. Magilla Gorilla was never my favorite (I preferred Huckleberry Hound) but I always did feel bad for this poor lug of a gorilla who could never get sold from the pet shop where he spent his days eating bananas and awaiting a new owner. What kind of pet shop sells gorillas anyway?

6. “Guerrilla Radio”

It’s not the best Rage Against the Machine song, but it’s catchy. Plus, it has the word guerrilla in its title so it is perfect for this list.

Che Guevara

5. Che Guevera

Che is the only real guerrilla on this list, so viva la revolution!

4. Gorillaz

Best. Cartoon band. Ever.

3. Donkey Kong

I’m a big gamer and I must give props to one of the OGs (original gorillas) from Nintendo’s infancy. I could care less about those crummy kart racers and Donkey Kong Country games. The original Donkey Kong is where it’s at. Bonus points for inspiring the phrase “it’s on like Donkey Kong”

2. King Kong

He’s battled Godzilla, climbed the Empire State building and got a fancy remake by Peter Jackson a few years back. King Kong is one of the most formidable gorillas on the planet.

1. Koko the gorilla

From an angry misunderstood beast in King Kong to a warm-hearted, good-natured primate in Koko. She loved that kitten. Plus she got to meet Mr Rogers. How cool is that? If you’re not familiar with Koko’s story go ahead and watch the short clip above, but be warned it has a sad ending.

Honorable mentions (not all of these are gorillas or guerrillas but they’re primates so that sort of counts, right?):

Massive Monkees

Bubbles the chimp

Curious George

Bear (from BJ & the Bear)

Johnny Chimpo (from Super Troopers)

King Kong Bundy

Bolo (from The Mighty Boosh)


I hope to see you all tonight at the High Dive and that this tongue-in-cheek list got your weekend off to a great start.

About Travis Hay

Travis Hay is a music journalist who has spent the past 23 years documenting and enjoying Seattle's music scene. He's written for various outlets including MSN Music, the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, Pearl Jam's Ten Club, and others.

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