Catching up with Hardly Art Records

Looks like Sub pop isn’t the only local label that’s been busy on the new acquisition front. The seminal local label’s little sibling, Hardly Art, picked up a few new signings recently and while none are local to Seattle (but one is from Vancouver, B.C. so that kind of counts, right?) all are well worth a good listen or two.

Hunx and His Punx are a Bay Area group that play 1950s style rock with an edge. The group’s record Too Young to Be In Young is due March 29. Dizzy Eyes is a Vancouver, B.C. group that, according to Hardly Art, is on a bit of a hiatus. The label is releasing a 7″ from the band on March 1. The label calls Coleen Green, another new signee the “slacker queen of 21st century appropriation-wave.” Her 7″ EP will be released March 1 as well.

All three have a bit of a retro sound, but not in the Fitz and the Tantrums or Black Joe Lewis retro manner. These bands have jangly, garagey, doo-wopy type sounds and all are interesting additions to the Hardly Art roster. Have a listen to Hunx and His Punx, Dizzy Eyes and Coleen Green below.

Hunx and His Punx

Dizzy Eyes

Coleen Green

About Travis Hay

Travis Hay is a music journalist who has spent the past 23 years documenting and enjoying Seattle's music scene. He's written for various outlets including MSN Music, the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, Pearl Jam's Ten Club, and others.

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