The tenth annual Sound Off! competition came to a close Saturday night and local jangly power-poppers Tomten were crowned winners of the underage battle of the bands.
The band lost its semi-final round and made it to the finals by being chosen as the wildcard entry by EMP’s Youth Advisory Board. Northern Departure, the bluegrass band that won Tomten’s semifinals round, finished second.
As Sound Off! winners Tomten gets a slot at this year’s Bumbershoot, a recording session, performance slot on 107.7. The End’s Locals Only show, some gear, a song on the Rock Band network and other goodies. Northern Departure won themselves a slot at the Folk Life Festival for finishing second.
The other bands that made it to the finals were Killers-ish bravado-wavers (yup, I just made up a genre) Fir for Hounds and Canadian twee-poppers The Oh Wells.