Video premiere: Hobosexual ‘Monolith’

Hobosexual – Monolith from Amelia Gydé on Vimeo.

Here at Guerrilla Candy we wear our love for certain bands on our sleeves. One of  those bands we love is Hobosexual. That’s why we’re thrilled to premiere the band’s video for “Monolith,” a live cut off the band’s upcoming live cassette which will be released in June. Live cassette? Yup. Don’t act like you haven’t been dusting off your tape players in anticipation.

The video for “Monolith,” which is by far the heaviest song ever featured on Guerrilla Candy, was shot by Hobosexual’s manager Amelia Gyde. It takes clips from at least 10 Hobosexual live shows and practices and splices them into one amazingly awesome slab of rock. It’s a great representation of the loud, infectious energy the band gives off live. You can experience that energy yourself tonight when Hobosexual perform at the Blue Moon with Ancient Warlocks, Nightrain and Nervous Energy ($5, 10 p.m.).


About Travis Hay

Travis Hay is a music journalist who has spent the past 23 years documenting and enjoying Seattle's music scene. He's written for various outlets including MSN Music, the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, Pearl Jam's Ten Club, and others.

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