Year Candy: Top 10 local records of 2011

Year Candy is a look back at some of the notable people and events that made an impact on the local music scene during 2011. Earlier today I posted my favorite records and songs of the year. This post lists Guerrilla Candy’s favorite records released by local artists. You can go here to see more of Guerrilla Candy’s favorite local albums from 2011.

1. Shabazz Palaces Black Up

2. Fleet Foxes Helplessness Blues

3. Katie Kate Flatland

Katie Kate – “Constellation” from Kate Finn on Vimeo.

4. Blue Scholars Cienmetropolis

5. SHIM Medicine Show

6. The Physics Love Is A Business

7. My Goodness My Goodness

8. Don’t Talk to the Cops  Regular Show

9. Hot Bodies in Motion Old Habits

10. Shelby Earle Burn the Boats

Honorable mentions: Beat Connection Surf Noir, Virgin Islands Ernie Chambers v. God, Star Anna Alone In This Together, Joesph Giant Joseph Giant, Sandrider Sandrider

About Travis Hay

Travis Hay is a music journalist who has spent the past 23 years documenting and enjoying Seattle's music scene. He's written for various outlets including MSN Music, the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, Pearl Jam's Ten Club, and others.

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