It’s no secret that most local music bloggers are somewhat friendly with local artists. We go to the same clubs, listen to the same music and often times attend the same shows and the Seattle music community is pretty small, so us music bloggers are bound to interact with the people we write about on a regular basis. Show me a music blogger who doesn’t have at least one cell phone number or email address for a club owner/booker/musician/person involved with the local music industry and I’ll show you a music blogger who isn’t doing his or her job very well.
With that said, I try hard to balance writing about and supporting the art and music my friends create with writing about other local, and at times national, artists who I think you, the reader, would be interested in learning more about. Besides, if I just wrote about the same few bands over and over again then this site wouldn’t be all too interesting to the greater Seattle music community. After all, I’m not writing Guerrilla Candy entirely for myself. I know there are at least a few other people who read this site that don’t happen to have the same taste in music as I do. Or at least I hope that’s the case.
For this post I’m momentarily ditching that modus operandi and I’ll be writing about artists I consider to be friends of Guerrilla Candy. And yes, I even have some of their cell phone numbers and email addresses. The bottom line is that these are all people I’ve written about previously so you shouldn’t be surprised to see me spill some digital ink on them here.
Oh, and I haven’t completely abandoned the concept of broadening my coverage beyond a select few bands. There will be more previews for Block Party throughout the week with my picks for artists I’ve never even met that I think you should check out this weekend, so look for those soon.
Don’t Talk to the Cops (12:25 a.m. Monday, Neumos)
It took me a little while to get into Don’t Talk to the Cops but once I fell for them, I fell hard.
Brent Amaker and the Rodeo (4:00 p.m. Saturday, Neumos)
You’d better cowboy up for this rootin’-tootin’ cowboy boogie of a good time complete with new music from BAR.
I Can’t Wait by Brent Amaker and the Rodeo by brentamakerandtherodeo
RA Scion (9:45 p.m. Sunday , Barboza)
After flirting with a superhero alter ego, RA Scion is back with some new fire and he’s bringing it to Barboza.
Hot Bodies in Motion (5:00 Saturday, Vera Stage)
Hot Bodies’ soulful, bluesy rock will make for a fitting way to spend a Saturday afternoon.