I attended my first Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band concert last night and it was possibly the best concert I’ve ever attended. Highlights included, well, just about every second of the three-hour and 15 minute concert. Seriously, it was that good.
But I’m not going to spend a lot of time writing about the show right now (but I might later) so instead of a big ol’ gushing review or analytical think piece, I’m simply going to embed some of my tweets from the show. But first, a word from my good friend and colleague, Chris Burlingame:
.@guerrillacandy saw rock and roll’s future and its name is Bruce Springsteen.
— Chris Burlingame (@chrisburlingame) November 29, 2012
And now, a selection from the flurry of tweets I composed during the concert:
Springsteen is tearing this place apart. If you were here you’d agree with me. Right, @bob_ham? — Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
I’m extremely impressed with how tight the 17-piece E Street Band sounds. They’re definitely the best backing band I’ve seen in an arena. — Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
Dude, Springsteen just pulled a guy from the crowd to sing a song with him b/c it’s the guy’s 50th bday. Who does that? He’s the Boss indeed
— Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
Springsteen crowdsurfing his way back to the stage instagr.am/p/SmkzJXgU4l/
— Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
I just witnessed Bruce Springsteen do the Gangnam Style dance. Yup, you read that right. — Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
Dude, Springsteen just pulled a guy from the crowd to sing a song with him b/c it’s the guy’s 50th bday. Who does that? He’s the Boss indeed — Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
We’re hitting the two-hour mark and exhaustion is setting in (for me, not The Boss). I’m sure I’ll find a way to power through.
— Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
Damn. The 1-2-3 of The Rising, Badlands & Thunder Road is seriously giving me goosebumps.
— Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
It was such a great show I didn’t care 3 songs I really wanted to hear (E Street Shuffle, Atlantic City, Glory Days) didn’t make the setlist
— Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
This Springsteen fellow has some talent. I think he’ll go far some day. — Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
Best sign at the @springsteen show in Portland? A banner that reads Lesbians Love Bruce — Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
Bruce just pulled the lesbians on stage. Again, who does that? Coolest. Rock star. Ever. That’s who.
— Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
That Springsteen guy puts on a pretty good show. I see why Eddie & the guys like him so much.
— Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
If I didn’t love my own dad so much I’d wish Bruce Springsteen was my father. I guess I’ll settle for wanting him to be my cool uncle.
— Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
After tonight’s show I’m left wondering whether I just saw the best concert I’ve ever seen. It was on par with every great PJ set I’ve seen.
— Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
This leaves me with another thought: Is Springsteen > Pearl Jam? Whoa.
— Guerrilla Candy (@guerrillacandy) November 29, 2012
Saw him in the 80’s. One of the best concerts I had ever seen. Saw him last night in Portland. One of the worst concerts I have ever been to. He was 45 minutes late to the stage. Arrived on stage to boos. I must not be the fan I thought I was, because I didn’t know half of the first 12 songs. I left halfway through the concert.
often he starts late because there is something slowing the audience entering. has enough class to wait to play for the people who bought the tickets and are held up at no fault of their own. A lot more maturity and class than someone who is that impatient and irritated that a rock show starts late. Get real,
Ha. You must not be a fan. Especially if you can’t tell the difference between “Boo” and “Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce”
Gosh, do us all a favor and don’t pay to go to anymore Springsteen shows. Someone else would have enjoyed the concert way more than you, obviously… leaving half-way through? jeez
@ Mike Boos? Really? Are you new? Unlike Bruce, Mike, I think you got old.