Macklemore & Ryan Lewis to perform on SNL March 2


Two years ago I proclaimed 2011 the year of Macklemore. Apparently I was wrong.

Yes 2011 was a great year for Macklemore. That was the year he managed to raise thousands on Kickstarter, performed at KeyArena and Safeco Field and he delivered a breakout set at Sasquatch!. All of those successes helped him achieve the national success he’s currently enjoying, which is making 2013 look like it will be an even bigger 365 days for Ben Haggerty.

So far this year Macklemore & Ryan Lewis have appeared on Jimmy Fallon, Ellen and David Letterman, landed a headlining slot on this year’s Sasquatch! bill, been the subject of multiple parody video, signed a record deal and a they currently have a song at the top of the Billboard charts.

So how could this year get any bigger?

In case you missed the news, on March 2 Macklemore & Ryan Lewis will take their No. 1 single in America, “Thrift Shop,” to 30 Rock where they’ll perform as the musical guests on Saturday Night Live.

About Travis Hay

Travis Hay is a music journalist who has spent the past 23 years documenting and enjoying Seattle's music scene. He's written for various outlets including MSN Music, the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, Pearl Jam's Ten Club, and others.

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