JamBase Live Festival coming to the Gorge July 5 & 6


It looks like this summer will see the Gorge once again hosting multiple music festivals.

Live Nation recently announced via Twitter that the venue will be the site of the Jam Base Live festival. Nothing is known about the event except for that it is happening July 5-6 and that it is a new festival being put together by the online live music hub JamBase.

Here’s more information about the event from the JamBase website:

The JamBase Live lineup is nearly complete, and the roster of bands that have already confirmed are incredibly excited to play The Gorge. Roughly a dozen acts have been slated to perform on the main stage, and for half of these acts this is the first time that they will appear on what many would agree is the world’s most majestic stage. Several of the repeat performers will return to play The Gorge after as long as a decade. JamBase has selected a lineup that we are confident will blow your mind (featuring a price tag unheard of for an event of this size)!

Jam Base Live will be the fourth music fest to be held at the Gorge this year. The 12th annual Sasquatch! (May 24-27), Paradiso (June 28-29) and Watershed (Aug. 2-4), which are both in their second years, are the other three festivals. I’ve reached out to Live Nation for more details about JamBase Live and will post more information when it is available.

About Travis Hay

Travis Hay is a music journalist who has spent the past 23 years documenting and enjoying Seattle's music scene. He's written for various outlets including MSN Music, the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, Pearl Jam's Ten Club, Crosscut.com and others.

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4 Comments on “JamBase Live Festival coming to the Gorge July 5 & 6”

  1. I’ve already been planning a trip to Portland, now this is a perfect reason to go. By what they are saying I’m guessing Pearl Jam as one of the Head liners, just guessing. Very excited Indianapolis resident who will be making the trip with 6 other people, four from Indy and two that now live in Portland…

    1. FYI, Portland is at least a six-hour drive away from the Gorge so factor some travel time into your trip. Also, unless you know something that I don’t know (which is highly possible), Pearl Jam is not connected to the JamBase Live festival in any manner. Still, the Gorge is a beautiful venue and it’s worth a visit if you are in the area.

  2. well aware of the gorgeous drive up from Portland, I did mention I’m going on a vacation? right? as far as Pearl Jam goes, it is a hope. They said that a few of the main acts haven’t been to the gorge in around a Decade and Pearl Jam hasn’t been their since 2006 and they don’t have any plans for the 4th, which they always do a show on the 4th. That is my connect the dots on that one…

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