In music news: I got a call from BJ Olin reporting he’s left Red Light Management and parting ways with his major artist, Allen Stone. Olin reports that he felt it was time for a change. His recent sudden move to NYC might have been an early indicator that something was about to unfold. BJ said his departure from Red Light Management is amicable and Allen Stone will stay in the Red Light stable under the trusted and capable care of the Red Light team.
BJ: “I’ve been with Allen for 8 years, Allen and I are like brothers at this point. I’ll always be one of his biggest supporters and champions of his career and his music but I think it may just be time to move on to new projects which I feel will also be good for me as well as Allen for with change comes new energy and ideas that can move you forward. Sometimes you’ve done all you can and it takes change to make things happen. I’ve had a good run with Allen and it’s been great working with him and Red Light but I’ve decided to start my own company (name not yet defined) and I’m looking forward to having the time to devote to my other rising artists, and I’m looking to pick up some new acts which is exciting!”
Anyone who knows BJ probably won’t be surprised he’s starting his own company. I think it was inevitable, but many may be surprised by the timing with Allen about to release a new album and beginning his first US headlining tour since 2012 tomorrow.
BJ: “I can’t say enough great things about Red Light” says Olin. Bruce Flohr and Coran Capshaw brought me in 3 years ago and I’m forever grateful to them for that. I hope that I make them proud with the company I’m about to attempt to build. They were incredibly supportive with my decision and have really made the transition incredibly smooth. I’ve made some amazing friendships at that company. It feels like a family, so this decision was not made lightly by any means. It’s something I’ve been considering for some time and the planets just lined up. It just feels right and it’s exhilarating and yet nerve racking to start a new company.”

BJ better expect a flood of emails because when the news gets around, he’ll have a “ton” of Artists who will be pounding on his door wanting to work with him and be added to his new agency roster, which by the way is a great position to be in.
I’m excited for BJ. He’s done a great job with Allen Stone and anyone who gets to work with him should consider themselves extremely fortunate. I wish him the best of success as he embarks on this new journey in the Big Apple and I look forward to reports from him from time to time as to new signings and music happenings within his new startup. This is not the last you’ll hear of BJ Olin . . . it’s just the beginning.

Ironically, I did a two-part interview with BJ back in May for my six-part ‘Behind The Music’ series giving a a peek into the world of the Music Manager. If you missed it, it’s an insightful look into the daily life of BJ Olin who was so giving of his wisdom and time, I had to do a two-part series on him alone and it was one of the most read and shared features I’ve ever written. Read it here: