Listen to Shawn Smith’s tributes to Chris Cornell & Prince

The music world has lost several iconic figures the past few years with two of the bigger losses being the deaths of Chris Cornell and Prince.

Brad and Satchel frontman Shawn Smith recorded tributes to both.

The Prince tribute, titled “Prince on the Stereo,” was released earlier this month. Prince is one of Smith’s biggest musical influences and anyone who doesn’t get goosebumps hearing him cover “Purple Rain” just doesn’t appreciate good music.

The Cornell tribute, ” I Need Some Comfort Tonight,” went largely overlooked when it was released last year, which is a shame because not only is it a touching, somber tribute to a fallen icon, it’s also some of Smith’s best work. He recorded the song the day after Cornell died.

Here’s what he had to say about the song:

The session had been planned for a few weeks and since I like to go in fresh with no preconceived ideas of what I’m going to write, I of course wanted to write something in honor of Chris.

I worked up the music and with myself on piano and vocals, Tali Trow on guitar and covertly acting as producer, David Hart on bass/stand up comedy, Pat Kenneally on drums and Luke Oldfield, son of Mike Oldfield at the mixing desk we did a number of takes.

I 100% improvised the vocals on each take, clearing my mind of all words then sang from the heart. I wanted to capture what I was feeling as purely as possible. Chris’s death was such a shock. It still is.

So, this is what came out.

You can listen to the entire track here and get a sample of the song below.


About Travis Hay

Travis Hay is a music journalist who has spent the past 23 years documenting and enjoying Seattle's music scene. He's written for various outlets including MSN Music, the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, Pearl Jam's Ten Club, and others.

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