Underneath the bridge, tarp has sprung a leak. And the animals I’ve trapped have all become my pets …
We all know the rest of the lyrics, right?
In case you aren’t familiar with the tune, those are the opening lines to Nirvana’s “Something in the Way,” Kurt Cobain’s famous fictional account of living underneath the Young Street Bridge in Aberdeen, Wash.
The 68-year-old bridge. which is commonly referred to as the Kurt Cobain bridge, is in need of some repairs and could be replaced, destroyed or upgraded depending on how the city of Aberdeen decides to use a $23.1 million grant it received to replace the bridge.
According to a website created by the city for the bridge project, there are three options for what to do with the bridge. The options include removing the bridge and building a new bridge, building a new bridge and keeping a part of the existing bridge, and upgrading the current bridge to adhere to safety standards.
The next steps in the timeline include:
- City Council presentation – April 2024: top 2 project alternatives will be announced.
- Public Meeting/Hearing at City Hall – May 1, 2024: City staff will provide update of project status and top alternatives; public comments will be welcomed
- In-person open house – June 2024: community invited to provide feedback on the top ranked alternative.
- City Council presentation – June 2024: preferred alternative will be announced.
Check out a gallery of photos of the bridge, Kurt Cobain Memorial Park and some messages fans have written underneath the bridge below.

Photos by Steven Friederich